Challenge #1: Mt. Tabor to Rogue Eastside Pub (August 3rd-9th). Start at the top of Mt. Tabor (walk, jog, run, Uber, bike, get dropped off, public trans) and run to Rogue Eastside Pub. Begin by running the loop around the top of Tabor and run straight down to the front door at Rogue Eastside Pub. Be sure to stop your watch at exactly 4.0 miles. Go inside Rogue Pub and claim your complimentary beer or root beer, sit outside on the patio, take in the moment and upload your results. Be sure to bring your mask and social distance!! Note: shirts and badges will be ready for pick up starting August 14th.


Challenge #2: Rogue Pearl To Witch’s Castle and Back (August 10th-16th). Start at Rogue Pearl Pub and run/walk/hike to the Witch’s Castle and back. Round trip this should be 5 miles. Be sure to stop your watch at 5 miles and upload your results and photo. Enjoy the scenic beauty in Forest Park and remember to claim your cold Rogue Beer at Rogue Pearl Pub when you are finished. Note: shirts and badges will be ready for pick up starting August 14th.
Challenge #3: Run Pub to Pittock Mansion and Back (August 17th-23rd). Start at Run Pub/Portland Running Company, 2258 NW Raleigh Street, Portland, OR 97210 and run/walk/hike to the famous Pittock Mansion and back to Run Pub. Enjoy a cold beer or cider in the new outside seating area while you upload your 7.5 mile result! Check out the results page to see if you won an award or prize. Be sure and take a minute to enjoy the view at Pittock Mansion by walking to the back side of the mansion. You can catch your breath and take it away at the same time. Note: shirts and badges will be ready for pick up starting August 14th.

Challenge #4: Rogue Eastside to Mt. Tabor and Back (august 24th-August 30th)!
Rogue Eastside Pub to Mt. Tabor and back. 8 miles round trip. Be sure and make the loop once you get to the top of Mt. Tabor. I use Salmon Street all the way to SE 60th by following the bike path. It jigs and jogs a bit but mostly a straight shot east to the park entrance. You choose trail or road up to the top. Stop and see the amazing views at the reservoir and at the top. Once you return to Rogue Eastside claim your yummy cold brew and head out on the patio to upload your results and picture. Stop your watch at 8 miles exactly! Note: shirts and badges will be ready for pick up starting August 14th.