Hippie Half Training Club:
Do you want to experience the Hippie Chick spirit for more than just one day? Sign up for our Hippie Half Training Club. Our Training Club offers a 10-week program that meets every week at one of the Portland Running Co. locations. Our club follows a weekly schedule that is designed to give you the best chance for success. Seminars include injury prevention, race day preparation, speed work, nutrition, and equipment. Most importantly, our training club gives you a chance to hit the paths, trails, and roads with your sisters AND your brothers, your mothers AND your fathers, partners, co-workers, and friends. Joining a group will also give you structure and accountability!
Saturday, February 26th-Saturday April 30th.
If you’ve always wanted to join a walking or running group, now is the perfect opportunity. We have training schedules for the half marathon and the quarter marathon. If you’re not comfortable with in-person meetings, you can still sign up and follow the program.
Our training program begins February 26th with an in-person 3-mile trial for the Half and a 1.5 mile trial for the Quarter. Using these trials, we will place you in pace groups. Questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Registration is $195 and includes a technical long sleeve shirt, tons of treats from our sponsors and Portland Running Co., weekly seminars, and a Hippie Chick Goodie bag full of amazing treats. We are looking forward to helping you succeed this year!
Day #1: Our 5K Time Trial was more like a 5K “partay.” – lots of smiles and fun as we kicked off our training for the Hippie Half Marathon and Quarter Marathon.
Hippie Half & Quarter 2022
Color Groups (Based on Pace)